Frequently Asked Questions About CATT

Is there an example of a completed report I can view?
Yes, click here to view a report for a patient with a breast cancer diagnosis or for a lung cancer diagnosis.

Where does the information in the report come from?
All the information provided in the plan comes from established practice guidelines or common practice in oncology.

Can I use the program to create reports for patients in my clinic?
Absolutely! We want the tool to be a useful resource to help oncology providers provide helpful information to their patients.

I work with Spanish speaking patients, can the tool help?

CATT is not currently available in Spanish. The OncoLink website does have lots of information available in Spanish – try using the treatment binder tool to collate what you need.

What is the best way to distribute the report?
Your patient's plan can be printed out or downloaded as a PDF file, either to hand them a hard copy, or to keep a copy in their chart.

Can I save a report I am working on?
Unfortunately, you cannot. We do not want to store a patient's treatment information; therefore we decided not to allow the saving of reports in progress. The good news is that the tool takes just a few minutes to complete.

Do I need to register?
No, the program is free to use, and requires no registration.

What do you do with answers to the questionnaire?
We collect the answers to conduct ongoing research, and to guide periodic improvements to the program. All answers are kept confidential and are used in de-identified aggregate data form.

How can I test the program for myself or demonstrate for others in my clinic?
Because we use the data from reports for research and to guide changes and enhancements, we ask that if you are creating a test or sample report, please use this link. This will allow us to exclude those answers from analysis.